MANCOSA graduates in excess of 2000 students

A captivating atmosphere was felt among students and MANCOSA staff members at the International Convention Centre (ICC), on Saturday 22nd April 2017.The institution had over 2000 students who were conferred with educational qualifications across undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

A captivating atmosphere was felt among students and MANCOSA staff members at the International Convention Centre (ICC), on Saturday 22nd April 2017.The institution had over 2000 students who were conferred with educational qualifications across undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. The increased number of graduates called for three sessions to take place on the day and it was a pleasure to see the large number of female students who graduated.

Speaking on the occasion, Professor Yusuf Karodia, addressed the students by congratulating them on the successful completion of their programmes. He said,

“The significance of this event lies beyond this celebratory occasion. There is a general consensus on the very urgent need to arrest crippling poverty, address food security, ensure environmental and business sustainability, and create sustainable employment by fashioning a new developmental path to ensure economic growth and raising living standards for all the peoples on the continent. There is also agreement that one of the ingredients for locating the continent on a high growth trajectory is through ensuring sustained investment in human capital development.

Managerial proficiency lies at the heart of meeting the daunting challenges of the future. Unless public and private enterprises have highly competent managers who have mastered the skill of managing people, resources and operations, we will continue to lag behind other developing economies on a number of fronts. Given the rapid changes taking place in society a Master’s qualification will soon be the minimum work requirement in both public and private institutions.”

MANCOSA is proud of the increasing number of graduates year on year and aims to be the important investment that every student should consider when studying at a tertiary level.