Conquering the College Mid-year Entry

You’ve taken some time off to consider what you want to do with your life, and now you’re ready to consider studying options.    But you’re concerned that enrolling mid-year might not be the best decision. How hard is it to catch up? Have you lost too much time? And which course can you enrol in?    MANCOSA offers several undergraduate degrees, diplomas, and higher certificates to enrol in.    This article answers all your questions about enrolling mid-year, including why it’s beneficial, how to set yourself up for success, and what courses you can enrol in. 

Taking control of your July intake college application


Starting a course midway through the year can feel disorientating. It may feel like you’re stepping into a moving stream where everyone else understands the flow, and you’re still learning to swim. 

But you can succeed by planning your schedule, prioritising tasks, staying organised, and working on your mindset!


Why apply for mid-year intake


You may apply for college halfway through the year for many reasons. These reasons often concern your situation, life choices, and career goals. 


  • You may have taken a gap between matric and studies to travel, do an internship to gain work experience, or take a breather.
  • You may have also experienced a family emergency that required you to postpone your studies for a few months, such as an illness or death.
  • You may have started a course of study but found either the course or institution wasn’t the right fit for you.
  • You’re already working full-time and decided you want to upskill halfway through the year.
  • You may have initially faced financial challenges that prevented you from starting your studies, but now you have the necessary funds to make a late application.  


The benefits of mid-year entry


Here are some of the main advantages of starting your studies mid-year. 


  • More time for decision-making: When you enter mid-year, you have more time to research and reflect on what you genuinely want to do with your life. You can gain clarity on your career goals and reduce the risk of dropping out later. 
  • Post-high school break: Taking time off likely allowed you to recharge mentally. This can help you be more prepared for the challenges of higher education and enrich your experience. 
  • Flexible start: Starting mid-year can better fit your personal and family schedule, making the transition easier for everyone involved. 
  • Financial planning: You’ve had more time to save up for your studies and can better plan your finances to lessen the stress associated with studying. 


Top tips for getting into your mid-year intake studies


Starting your studies mid-year requires special considerations to ensure you hit the ground running. Here are some tips you can follow to make sure you navigate your transition into academic success. 


1. Set your study goals and objections

To achieve success in your studies, you first need to understand what success truly means to you. Setting specific goals can help you stay focused. 

  • Consider what grades you’d like to achieve
  • Determine what specific skill you’d like to master based on your career aspirations
  • Set a goal for when you’d like to finish your studies

You can use different goal-setting methods, such as the HARD goals framework, to help you succeed. These goals will give you direction and keep you on the right track. 


2. Make a study timetable

Create a detailed study timetable that includes your studies, family life, and job (if you’re employed). A well-structured timetable will help you maintain a healthy work-life balance (or, in your case, a study-life balance) and avoid burnout. 


3. Join or create a study group

Having people support you can mean the difference between success and failure. This includes your peers, family, friends, and lecturers. Consider joining or creating a study group with your peers to keep each other accountable and motivated. 

A study group can also help you understand your coursework better since you can collaborate, provide diverse perspectives, and learn together. 


4. Stock up with the right stationery, books, and tools to inspire you

The right tools are essential to make the study process more accessible and aid learning. Ensure you get the necessary stationary, textbooks, and sometimes even motivational books to keep you on track. 

You can also consider using productivity tools or apps to help you prioritise your tasks and manage your academic, work, and life commitments. 


5. Remember — your study journey, your rules


There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to academic studies. You need to embrace your learning style to grasp information faster. 

For example, you may be an auditory learner, which means you learn best when listening. So, you can record and replay lectures, participate in group discussions, or read aloud to learn faster. 

Also, understand that your journey is unique and that setting your own pace and rules is okay. Focus on what works best for you to help maximise your learning. 


Mid-year intake courses


MANCOSA offers mid-year intake for most of our undergraduate courses, including higher certificates, Diplomas, and Bachelor’s Degrees.


We offer several different degrees in various fields, including: 


And many more!

Unsure of which degree you should choose? Read our article that outlines the steps you can take to select the right bachelor’s degree


Register your mid-year intake online


Now that you understand the massive benefits of enrolling mid-year and you know you won’t lose any time, you can consider enrolling in one of our undergraduate degrees, diplomas, or higher certificates

If you have any questions about enrolling, you can fill out an enquiry form, and one of our agents will get back to you as soon as possible.