Welcome to the home of the MANCOSA Human Research Ethics Committee (M-HREC)


Why Does Research Ethics Matter?

At the intersection of research, innovation and integrity lies the cornerstone of ethical research. Ethics in research is not merely a set of rules to abide by – it is the compass that guides us through the moral landscape of discovery. It ensures that the pursuit of knowledge is grounded in respect, fairness, and responsibility, by safeguarding the rights and well-being of participants, communities, and society at large.

What We Do:

Our Commitment

We are committed to fostering a culture of ethical conduct in research. Whether you are a prolific researcher or a budding scholar, our resources, guidelines, and expert insights are tailored to support you at every stage of your research journey.

MANCOSA Research Ethics Policy

All research studies at MANCOSA must be conducted in alignment with the MANCOSA Research Ethics Policy

Ethical Clearance

All research involving human subjects (but that is non-biomedical) requires ethical clearance from the MANCOSA Human Research Ethics Committee (M-HREC). The M-HREC is registered with the SA Department of Health’s National Health Research Ethics Council (NHREC) Registration Number: REC-012623-060. The M-HREC reviews all applications for ethical clearance as submitted by MANCOSA students and staff.

Who We Are:

  • Chairperson: Prof C Devroop
  • Deputy Chairperson: Dr B Dworzanowski-Venter
  • Administrator: Ms S K Radebe


Contact Us:

Ms Samukelisiwe Kholeka Radebe
Ext: 7587
Research Directorate, Level 4 Samora House, Samora Machel Street, Durban

How to Apply for Ethical Clearance

Strengthening Our Ethics Competency and Maintaining Our Research Integrity


Research Ethics Training

Training focused upon ethics is essential. Whether a member of a committee or an applicant, everyone benefits from thinking about ethical considerations prior to reviewing applications for M-HREC or compiling an application to be submitted to M-HREC.

Mandatory Research Ethics Training required of M-HREC Members

All M-HREC members must complete the Training and Resources in Ethics Evaluation (TRREE) training modules that are available at: elearning.trree.org. The required modules include:

  • Module 1 (Introduction to Research Ethics)
  • Module 3 (Informed Consent)
  • Regulatory Framework – South Africa
  • Pass the quiz on the material presented, following which a certificate will be issued.


Future Ethics Training Requirements

As from January 2025 staff and student researchers applying for ethical clearance are required to submit certificates of completion of ethics training with their application.

Who should be trained?

  • All Student Applicants: postgraduate students (Hons MA Doctoral)
  • Supervisors
  • Academic Staff Applicants
  • All M-HREC Members
  • All External Applicants


Training Content:

  • The MANCOSA Research Ethics Training and Induction Programme.
  • Pass the quiz on the material presented, following which a certificate will be issued.


Explore Our Resources

M-HREC regulatory resources

The M-HREC reaches outcomes subject to specified conditions or rejects research proposals on the basis of the MANCOSA Research
Ethics Policy
 and principles and procedures defined within it. The M-HREC Terms of Reference (TOR) outline the committee’s mandate, authority and responsibilities.  The M-HREC Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) outlines the procedures and protocols for the functioning of the REC and serves as a guide for the committee members to carry out their responsibilities in a consistent and systematic manner.

Explore Additional Ethics-Related Resources

Dive into our curated collection of documents designed to enhance your understanding of key research ethics principles and regulations governing research involving human participants. Whether you’re looking to refresh your knowledge on informed consent, understand the nuances of risk assessment, or explore ethical considerations in specific research contexts, our educational resources offer valuable insights to inform your practice.