How to Get Back into Your Business Studies After a Break

Taking a break during or after your business studies can be a necessary step in the journey to professional growth. Whether due to summer breaks or unforeseen circumstances, it can be tough to return to the academic mindset when the time comes. If you’ve taken an extended study break and are ready to pursue a new business course, MANCOSA offers a range of BCom degrees perfect for business and commerce professionals. This article discusses business study breaks and their effect on your studies. We also provide key tips on how to get back on track after a break and recommend some excellent business courses.

The business studies break challenge

Losing momentum in studies is a common challenge that many students face, especially after taking a break. When you’re out of your routine, it can be easy to get distracted and challenging to focus and remember your previous work.

In addition, life changes, such as moving, starting a new job, or having a baby, can make it even harder to get back into your study routine.

While this can be frustrating, it’s important to remember that these challenges don’t have to hold you back permanently. You can implement several simple strategies to get back into your routine, which we’ll get into in one of the following sections.

Types of breaks you may take from your business studies

Students can take various breaks during their studies, including shorter breaks like Easter and longer breaks like summer vacations and Christmas. Some students may also choose to take extended breaks while pursuing work opportunities.

Regardless of the length of these breaks, they can make it challenging to get back on track.

  • Short breaks can disrupt your learning patterns and make transitioning back into an academic mindset difficult. Despite the short timeframe, these breaks can still cause you to lose your rhythm. Also, since shorter breaks often include relaxation, switching back to being focused can be tricky.
  • Longer breaks, such as summer vacations, can be even more challenging to come back from. While these breaks offer an excellent opportunity for resting and re-energising after a couple of months of studying, they pose a significant obstacle to returning to studies. When you return, the sheer length of these breaks can make you feel completely disconnected from your academics.
  • Students who take extended breaks to pursue job opportunities or start families may find it challenging to readjust to coursework demands and manage their time.

Tips for getting back into your studies

Business studies can be challenging, but it’s important to remember why you started and what your end goal is to help you push through when you’re struggling to dive in again after a break. Here are some tips to help you.

1. Use a timetable

Whether you follow the lecture timetable your school gave you or create your own, setting a time for your studies can help you fit them into your life. Ensure you allocate enough time for your studies, breaks, and personal commitments. This is especially important for working professionals, as working and studying take up much time.

2. Create a cosy study space

Creating a dedicated space to study can help you get down to business. Sometimes, carrying all your books and equipment to a place like the dining room table can create a block.

Therefore, having an area already laid out makes it easier to sit down and start studying. Make sure your space is well-lit and devoid of distractions.

3. Discover your learning style

There are different ways of studying. You need to discover your preferred learning style, whether visual, kinesthetic, or auditory learning.

To do this, you can experiment with visual aids, recorded lectures, or practical activities to determine what works best for you.

4. Foster a study mindset

Remind yourself of your ultimate goals and the benefits you’ll reap from your education to build a positive and motivated mindset about your studies.

Adopt a growth mindset that views setbacks or challenges as opportunities for growth. Visualising what success looks like for you and staying focused on your long-term aspirations is a great exercise to help build a positive attitude.

5. Make a study buddy and keep each other accountable

An accountability partner can be beneficial since they can support you when things get complicated. Choosing someone who’s just as committed as you and has similar academic goals is essential.

You can schedule studying time where you can discuss your briefs, brainstorm ideas, and keep each other motivated throughout projects.

6. Create an action plan

Create a detailed plan with your goals, priorities, and deadlines. To help you return to the academic mindset, break down larger tasks into smaller, more tangible ones. Also, set realistic goals and measure your progress to stay on course and avoid getting overwhelmed.

7. Seek support

If you don’t feel empowered to create an effective study schedule, contact your lecturers or counsellors for help. If you’re unsure of certain aspects of your projects, seek clarification on concepts, feedback on assignments, or guidance on study strategies.

You can also use the available resources, such as online forums and academic workshops, to address any difficulties and improve your learning experience.

8. Practice self-compassion

Students can often be hard on themselves. While it’s essential to do your best and reach your goals, you must also be kind to yourself and acknowledge that studies can be complex.

Celebrate your progress and wins, no matter how small they are and remember that learning is a journey and it’s alright to ask for help when needed.

Business courses at MANCOSA

If you’re returning to your studies after a more extended break, you may like to consider your options. Business administration courses are an excellent choice, but there are plenty of other options. Here are some of the business courses available at MANCOSA.

Register for MANCOSA business studies courses online

While getting back on track with your studies can be difficult, it isn’t impossible. Implementing the tips mentioned above will make adjusting to your studies far easier.

If you’re returning from a long break and want to pursue another business course, consider enrolling in one of MANCOSA’s many business courses, including a Bachelor of Business Administration Honours or a Bachelor of Commerce in International Business.