The MANCOSA School of Education Robotics and Coding Facilitators Course (Durban Campus)

Algorithms and Coding Strand (Introduction to Computer Systems and Scratch block-based coding)

Algorithms and Coding Strand (Introduction to Computer Systems and Scratch block-based coding)

On Saturday, 23 April 2022, the MANCOSA School of Education’s iTEACHlab delivered the Robotics and Coding Facilitators Course to the MANCOSA School of Education Durban students.

The goal of this course is to address the critical need for teachers to learn Robotics and Coding facilitation skills to be well prepared to teach the course in schools.

Students were introduced to computer systems, computer input, processing, output, and storage during the first half of the training.

The second half of the session was very hands-on, involving block-based programming with Scratch. Students were shown how to create a Scratch account and introduced to the different menus on the application. Students then created their very first project in Scratch where they demonstrated the ability to choose different sprites, and change various backdrops and costumes. They also programmed their sprites using programming blocks and tested their functionality.