
MANCOSA’s Education Management courses enable effective leaders and education managers with relevant skills. Discover a new way to address regulatory, leadership, and management challenges to embrace opportunities in the educational environment. Educational complexities have coalesced to push for knowledge and skills transformation to bring about change in technology, human resources, innovation, teacher qualities, and accountability initiatives.

The Postgraduate Educational Management Diploma is a one-year specialised programme designed to meet the needs of educational managers in this climate of change. The Education Management courses are distance learning programmes that incorporate the latest strategic thinking in educational leadership and management.


Upon successful completion of the Postgraduate in Education Management programme, the student should be able to:

  • Apply management principles in an educational context to provide leadership
  • Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the functioning of educational institutions
  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of the inter-relatedness of factors that impinge on the phenomena of education
  • Conduct independent inquiry in a specialised field of education, training or development, and report their findings in academically appropriate ways
  • Demonstrates professional managerial competence through formalising and encouraging critical reflection on both practical experiences and engagement with theory in order to manage contextual challenges to contribute to the development of appropriate education policies



Applicants who have successfully completed the Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Management can articulate onto a Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Management programme provided that they complete a 30-credit research module for Non-Degree Purposes before articulating.

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  • School Principal
  • Deputy Principal
  • School Head of Department (HOD)
  • Managers/Officials in the Education Sector
